The American Lawyers Alliance
Application Deadline is May 31, 2025
Our Scholarships
Catherine G. Jurgemeyer $10,000 Memorial Scholarship
We are looking for that outstanding high school senior who has overachieved during high school in law-related activities. Were you a superstar on your school's Mock Trial Team? President of the Student Body? Write a winning essay for NCSS? A wonder kid in Model UN? If so, you need to apply NOW for the $10,000 Catherine G. Jurgemeyer Memorial Scholarship!
The late Catherine G. Jurgemeyer was a formidable member of the American Lawyers Alliance, having created and implemented the "Law in a Free Society" project as well as an active member of the ALA Teacher of the Year Award Committee. In honor of her memory, her daughter, Nancy J. Haar, has generously funded this annual $10,000 scholarship for a deserving high school senior whose body of work both inside and outside the classroom has demonstrated a special dedication to law-related education with academic excellence.
The Jurgemeyer Scholarship is awarded and judged without regard to gender, race, color, religion, national origin, or disability.
To award a one-time college scholarship to a deserving high school senior whose body of work both inside and outside the classroom has demonstrated a special dedication to law-related education with academic excellence. Examples of such dedication could include, but are not limited to:
ONE HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT WILL BE CHOSEN. All applications will be screened and graded by a panel of ALA members. The winner will be announced no later than July 1, 2025 and will be presented a check in the amount of $10,000 at the Annual Meeting of the American Lawyers Alliance in August 2025. An additional $1,000 for hotel and travel expenses will be given to the recipient to attend the Awards Breakfast. If the ALA Annual Meeting is virtual, there will be no travel expenses.
The Application Form and required materials may be submitted online below no later than
MAY 31, 2025.
Online Application Form
for the Catherine G. Jurgemeyer Memorial Scholarship
Applications must be submitted online! Please carefully review the application form below and have all the necessary information in hand before completing the form.
Please have the following documents ready to upload into our system (please consolidate all information into a single .pdf document):
For your convenience, a printable worksheet is available below - DO NOT SUBMIT THIS WORKSHEET AS YOUR APPLICATION - it is only for your convenience.
Online Application
Deadline is May 31, 2025
We’re here to help. Please feel free to contact us at if you have any additional questions.
Founded in 1958, the ALA is a charitable and educational non-profit organization with individual and institutional members nationwide.
Each year the ALA recognizes teachers, students, concerned citizens, auxiliaries, and individual members who have excelled in their support of our goals to foster respect and understanding of the American legal system.
Catherine Jurgemeyer was a formidable member of the American Lawyers Alliance in the'80's and '90's. Her passion was in law-related education where she was responsible for getting this curriculum into local schools. She was LRE Chairman and Advisor for both the Indiana Lawyers Auxiliary and the American Lawyers Auxiliary for seven years and served on the former Governor’s Task Force for Citizenship Education.
A scholarship is, to put it simply, free money that you are awarded to put towards paying for
Unlike other types of financial aid (aka, loans), money that you receive from scholarships
doesn't ever need to be repaid, which is what makes it so awesome.
Not yet. Please keep working and studying hard and apply once you are a senior!
As long as your are a high school senior, are planning to attend an accredited 4 year college, and are a US Citizen, yes, you may still apply.
Teachers, counselors, coaches, mentors, employers, and religious leaders are good choices. Anyone who can attest to your character, academic prowess and your work ethic. Be sure to include their contact information.
That is okay. Just please let us know where you have applied. You can update your application once you have been accepted by dropping us an email at
Not yet, but please let us know when you decide.
We will make a determination of the winning applicant by July 1st, and all applicants will be notified.
All applications will be screened and graded by a panel of ALA members.
In general, scholarship funds cannot be treated as taxable income as long as you’re (a) pursuing a degree and (b) using the funds for tuition, fees or anything else that the IRS considers a “qualified education expense.” Those include books and supplies that are required for your program of study.
However, if you’re using all or part of your scholarship funds to cover room and board, travel, tutoring services or optional supplies, that money will be treated as taxable income. Since private scholarships are often more lenient about how funds can be used, it’s important to know in advance that you might face tax penalties if you’re using private scholarship funds to pay for extra living expenses, technology or travel costs.
Please refer to your tax expert for additional information.
Any information collected by site visitors will only be used for determining eligibility for the scholarship and will not be disseminated in any other way.
For additional information, you can send an email to:, or complete the dialog box below.
Our mailing address is:
American Lawyers Alliance
Attn: Scholarship Chair
1305 Exposition Blvd., #2
Austin, TX 78703
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