I was installed as NLW President at the August, 1973 Annual Meeting at the Watergate Hotel in Washington , D. C. Honored guests included Mrs. Elliot Richardson, wife of the U. S. Attorney General, Mrs. Robert Meserve, wife of the ABA President, Mrs. Erwin Griswald, wife of the U. S. Solicitor General, and the following wives of U. S. Supreme Court Justices: Mrs. Byron White, Mrs. Lewis Powell, and Mrs. Harry Blackmun. Mrs. Frank A. Kaufman, Coordinator of Volunteers for the Maryland Department of Juvenile Services, was the Keynote Speaker. The Mid-Winter Meeting was held in February, 1971, in Houston, Texas, where plans were laid out for the next Annual Meeting. The membership listed 13 state affiliates, 73 local affiliates, 53 student law wives affiliates, and 455 individual members. A highlight of that Mid-“Winter meeting was a tour of NASA Headquarters and dinner in the evening with Astronaut Gordon Fullerton and his wife Marie as honored guests. The 1974 Annual Meeting was held at the Kaimana Beach Hotel in Oahu, Hawaii. Mrs. Robert Ebert of St. Paul, Minnesota, was installed as the NLW President at the Installation Breakfast. The speakers at the breakfast were U. S. Senator Daniel K. Inouye and the Honorable Carla Hills, the Assistant U. S. Attorney General in charge of the Civil Division. Joel Henning, Esquire, Staff Director of the ABA Committee on Youth Education for Citizenship, spoke at the Presidents’ Workshop. Goals for the year were: Nationwide promotion of our many-faceted program, “Youth Education in Law”, including programs such as “Children and the Law”, “Project Misdemeanant” and “You and the Law”. Other highlights of the year included: Development of an interesting workshop for our Affiliate Presidents featuring topics of vital interest to Lawyers’ Wives. Continuation of our well-organized promotion of “Law Day USA—Everyday” with emphasis on Law Day, May 1, 1974. Doubling the number of awards given to affiliates for outstanding volunteer service.