2018 Auxiliary Support Award Winners

Auxiliary Support Awards 2018 – 2019
Las Vegas, Nevada

Below is the list of the ten auxiliaries that applied for a 2017-18 award, listed alphabetically by auxiliary name with program title, amount awarded, and program description:

  1.  Austin Lawyers’ Auxiliary: Austin Adoption Day --Transformation of the Gardiner Betts Juvenile Justice Center into an Oz experience for the annual Adoption Day for children from central Texas who were placed in foster care due to abuse or neglect 
  2. Columbus Bar Association Alliance: Ohio Wesleyan University Junior League of Columbus Camp -- Funding law related classes for central Ohio’s gifted & talented middle school students from diverse economic and cultural backgrounds to empower them to achieve academically and socially by learning that their similarities outweigh their differences 
  3. Grand Rapids Lawyers Alliance: Travel Support for two Local “We the People” Teams Providing funds for two local “We the People” teams thereby supporting law-related education, good citizenship and an appreciation of the United States legal system 
  4. Indian River County Lawyers Auxiliary: Literacy Challenge -- Providing at least 11 books per student per year to local students, grades 1-3 from low income families to improve literacy by 3rd grade 
  5. Ingham County Bar Auxiliary: Ingham County Probate Court Child Benefit Support -- Providing scholarship money for sports participation, camp experiences, personal necessity items and holiday gifts to abused, neglected and delinquent youth involved with the Ingham County Circuit Court-Family Division
  6.  Kalamazoo Lawyers Alliance: Kalamazoo Central High School Mock Trial Team —Supporting the Kalamazoo Central High School mock trial team working in close coordination with the Kalamazoo County Bar Association to promote good citizenship and an appreciation of the U.S. legal system 
  7. LAW of Polk County, Inc.: LAW of Polk County Cristine Swanson Wilson Scholarship -- Awarding an annual scholarship to foster the professional development and leadership potential of non-traditional law students with a financial need who want to go into public service and take action for the equality of all people 
  8. National Capital Lawyers Auxiliary: Law Day Essay Contest -- Law Day Essay Contest for District of Columbia Public School fifth grade students to promote civics and good citizenship in accordance with the U.S. legal system. Private Award Ceremony & Reception at the U. S. Supreme Court 
  9. Saginaw County Lawyers Auxiliary: Constitution in Every 5th Grader’s Pocket -- Providing a pocket size copy of the United States Constitution to each fifth grade student in Saginaw, Michigan 
  10. San Antonio Bar Auxiliary: Charity Event to Honor our 80th Anniversary -- Providing scholarships for law students through a fund raiser to honor the auxiliary’s 80th anniversary.
A total of $5,000 was awarded through the ALA Auxiliary Support Program!

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