"Three Flags," Jasper Johns 1958 - Museum of Modern Art, New York
"Chicago White Sox" - Eric Dowdle
Times Square - Artist Unknown
"The Grand Canyon" - Glyn Lowe
"The Statue of LIberty," Christopher Shellhammer
"Capitol" -Artist Unknown
Mural At the Capitol - Allyn Cox
4 Starry Night Statue of Liberty, Robert Rodriguez
The American Lawyers Alliance supports Law Related Education in our schools and communities. ALA is about making sure that all Americans know the value of freedom and liberty under the U.S. Constitution. It’s about sharing ideas and cooperative efforts so that we can make a difference in your community.
Volunteers Needed for the
2025 Phoenix National High School Mock Trial Championship
May 8 - 10, 2025
The American Lawyers Alliance is delighted to be a sponsor (for the third time) at this year's National High School Mock Trial Championship this May in Phoenix! Event volunteers serve a vital role in the success of the competition and serve as presiding judges, scoring judges, and volunteer helpers to ensure that the championship itself and the attendant events run smoothly.
This is a terrific opportunity to help spread the word about our wonderful awards and scholarship to the hundreds of outstanding students and teachers that will be attending.
To learn more about this volunteer opportunity, please click the links below:
If you are interested in coming to Phoenix and be part of our volunteer team or have addtional questions, please contact, Kitty O'Reilley at kitty.oreilley@gmail.com. Also, our wonderful ALA Member, Natalie Aran, has offered to open her beautiful Scottsdale home to our volunteers! You can reach Natalie at sun4sales@aol.com.
Applications are due May 31, 2025
2025 American Lawyers Alliance Midyear Meeting
Phoenix, Arizona
Wednesday, January 29, 2025 - Friday, January 31, 2025
Get to Know Anne...
I was born in Bexhill-on-Sea, Sussex on the south east coast of England, and when I was six months old my family went to live in Salisbury, Wiltshire, about 90 miles southwest of London, and very close to Stonehenge. Salisbury also boasts a beautiful cathedral with the tallest spire in England. My parents met in Beirut, Lebanon working for British Intelligence during World War II. They were married in Beirut in August 1944 and then moved to Cairo.
Anne Santorelli
American Lawyers Alliance
2025 Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient
Anne has been a member of the ALA for many years and has held several different offices in the ALA.
She is Past President of the National Capital Lawyers Auxiliary and has chaired and served on several of the NCLA committees including the NCLA Law Day Essay Contest where the awards ceremony was held at the Supreme Court of the United States. Anne also served on the Luncheon committee honoring the Spouses of the Justices of the Supreme Court held at Congressional Country Club. She also held the offices of Vice President, Recording Secretary and Corresponding Secretary of the NCLA.
Anne was also involved in her community as a volunteer with “Reading is Fundamental,” and several other volunteer organizations.
As a member of the American Lawyers Alliance, Anne served as President, 2017-2018; Secretary 2021-2022. She also served on several committees including the Carr Committee; Teacher of the Year Committee; Long Range Planning Committee; Nominating Committee and Procedures and Guidelines Committee. As Recording Secretary, she took excellent minutes and provided outstanding and timely written minutes to the Executive Committee and the Board.
Anne has been a wonderful asset to the ALA. Her enthusiasm and willingness to take on any task with grace and good humor has made her a perfectly delightful member of the American Lawyers Alliance. And, of course, her lovely British accent is always a “proper” treat to hear.
My mother left Cairo in January 1945, as she was expecting me and went to Bexhill where my maternal grandmother lived. My father arrived right before I was born in April 1945. He grew up in Salisbury and was a lawyer in the family firm, which was why we went to live there. I attended Leaden Hall School in the Close (the area around the cathedral) from age 3 until age eight, and then went to Godolphin School, an all girls school in Salisbury, through high school. I then attended secretarial/business college in London right opposite the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. After that I worked in London for approximately four years for a couple of companies. The first one was located right next door to Westminster Abbey, and the second on Piccadilly. In 1967 I came to the United States on a working visa to work for a patent law firm in Washington, DC. I met my husband Al, a patent lawyer in another firm, through friends at my firm soon after I arrived, and we were married in April 1968 in Georgetown, DC. We had the reception at the firm offices, which were in a townhouse on the Potomac right by Key Bridge. The lawyer I worked for started a new firm in 1969, and I went to work for him in offices near the White House.
We lived on Capitol Hill before moving to Arlington, Virginia in 1971. In 1973 we had a daughter Bridget, and I stopped working outside the home, and did various volunteer activities. I was involved with Reading is Fundamental of Northern Virginia for many years, the Service League of Northern Virginia, which became the Junior League of Northern Virginia, the Women’s Center of Northern Virginia, and National Capital Law Auxiliary serving on the boards of all in various capacities.
I believe I joined the ALA in 2007 as president of NCLA when I attended a midyear meeting in New Orleans a couple of years after Hurricane Katrina. I then became an individual member the next year and have served on the board in various capacities, such as Recording Secretary and Procedures and Guidelines, including President in 2017-18. My time with ALA has been most enjoyable and getting to know new people from all over the country, and visiting different places for meetings has been very rewarding. I am very thankful to ALA for this lifetime achievement award, and proud to have been able to assist in some way to bring civic education to school children, and to be able to help acknowledge civics teachers and graduating seniors through the various awards we give out every year.
We lived in Arlington until 2013, when we moved permanently to the Charlottesville, Virginia area to a house we purchased in1993 for possible retirement purposes in Free Union. We lived there until 2016 when we moved to Santa Barbara, CA to be closer to our daughter, son-in-law and two granddaughters. Bridget had attended the University of Virginia, which is how we came to love Charlottesville. She then attended Georgetown Law School, where she met her now husband Mike Johnsen, who came from Los Angeles. They live in LA, and when our first grandchild was born in 2007, we decided to buy a house in Santa Barbara. They are 90 miles southeast of us right off the same highway. We used the house in the winter time to begin with, but when Al fully retired we moved permanently here in 2016.
"When I think of Anne it brings only smiles and warm, happy thoughts. Anne is such a fine person. She’s not only beautifully fulfilled every leadership task assigned her, but regards everyone in a friendly, sincere, engaging manner that just keeps spirits high and makes us all want to stay involved and keep enjoying our time with American Lawyers Alliance. Anne is a jewel of a person! Delightful, authentic, dedicated. Anne’s sense of purpose is what every organization needs. Her sense of humor always makes it fun! We admire the love and partnership she exudes for her beloved Al and family. I can’t think of a more deserving person for this high honor."
Mary Ellen Borgelt
"Anne is a delightful person with an amazing knowledge of procedure and protocol which, as a newbie officer of ALA, I have found to be most refreshing and frankly, a lifesaver! I have not known her long but based on everything I have heard, she is MOST DESERVING of this Lifetime Achievement Award! As former past president, she has continued to be a wonderful resource and dear friend to many many in our organization. After conversations about her life in California she has made me want to come out to visit her lovely state! She has my utmost respect and congratulations, and I look forward to working with her for many years to come."
Dominique Varner
"When Jennifer and I contacted Anne about her being selected for this ALA Award, it was clear from her response how honored and pleased she was to receive this award. She commented that this news made her day, week and year! Anne certainly is worthy of receiving one of our highest honors that we give.
"Originally from England, Anne has brought a touch of British charm to The National Capital Lawyers Auxiliary and to the ALA. It is always a joy to work with her on the many various committees and a privilege to call her friend.
"Anne, congratulations on this well deserved honor!"
Sue Bennett
"Anne has worn many hats in The American Lawyers Alliance and is truly an invaluable asset to our organization. I admire Anne for so many things, including her unwavering work ethic and her ability to successfully accomplish any task that is put before her. However, even more remarkable is that Anne accomplishes all that she does with kindness, grace, and humility. Anne is a classy lady and a lovely person. She is very deserving of this Lifetime Achievement Award, and I am not only thankful for the opportunity that ALA has given me to work with Anne, but even more thankful for her sweet friendship!! "
Jennifer Benesh
"Anne is organized, hard-working and dedicated. She has been a stalwart leader at the local and national levels and has championed law-related education throughout her many years of service. Her insight is invaluable and I join with others in our gratitude for her continued involvement.
"I first met her when I was ALA President and we invited the Presidents of the local and state auxiliaries to the ALA Midyear Meeting in New Orleans. She was President of NCLA then and came to that ALA meeting. I found her delightful and I talked to her about getting involved in ALA in the near future.
"She has contributed so much to ALA especially as Secretary and President. This is part of her summary of her year as President: "This year as President has been a great honor and wonderful experience. The 2017-2018 Board have been a joy to work with, and have made my job so much easier, as well as enabling the ALA to have a very successful year. August and September - commenced planning for the Mid-Year meeting in Vancouver, BC with Lucy Harrison and Janet Bullinger; wrote new President’s message for the website; communicated with Texas and Florida auxiliaries after hurricanes Harvey and Irma; wrote message for September newsletter, which told members of various award deadlines and information on Mid-Year Meeting, and stressed my goal to communicate as much as possible this year with members. October -attended annual luncheon hosted by the National Capital Lawyers Auxiliary at the Congressional Club in Bethesda, MD for the spouses of the Justices of the Supreme Court. I wrote an update email to the membership after this event, and again reminded members of various award deadlines and to send in their dues. December and January – wrote a message for the January newsletter, which included registration information about the Mid-Year Meeting. Reminders on deadline dates for applications for these awards and payment of annual dues were also included. February -Sixteen board members attended our ... Mid-Year Meeting at the Four Seasons in Vancouver, B.C... At our Board Meeting on February 1, we announced and distributed the Auxiliary Support Awards totaling $5,000 to ten Auxiliaries... Prepared another message for Spring Newsletter and continued to communicate with the Chairs of the Meeting and Planning Committee and the TOY and JCE Award Committees. May - I returned to Washington D. C. to attend the 42nd Annual NCLA Law Day Essay Contest Awards at the U. S. Supreme Court. As a supporter of this event, I gave a short speech about ALA and why we thought this event so important. June – I prepared my final message for the June Newsletter...Our Annual Meeting took place from August 1-4 at the Swissotel in Chicago ... At our Executive and Board meetings, we voted to budget no more than $1,000 for 2018-2019 for retaining and electronic storage of all documents, minutes and historical items including photos... The Awards Breakfast took place on August 3 at the University Club of Chicago. That evening we had a wonderful dinner cruise on the Odyssey ship..."
"Our organization owes many thanks to Anne and I am so delighted she is being honored with this prestigious award!"
Jeanne Skilton
"Anne is the most self-effacing woman I’ve ever met. She quietly and efficiently gets anything done she is asked to do. Anne see things that need attention and proceeds accordingly, and she does it was ease and a smile.
She can juggle more balls simultaneously than anyone which was required when she and her husband Albert had 4 homes in several states and they traveled extensively with his practice in international law with an emphasis on patent law.
"Family is number one with Anne and she has a lovely family with a high achieving lawyer daughter and 2 grandchildren.
"I’m pleased to call Anne a friend."
Diane Harmon
"Anne was a Godsend to me when I became president of the American Lawyers Alliance! Her expertise on all matters ALA - from the specifics and significance of each meeting to understanding our bylaws to the most minute procedural details - were a wealth of knowledge to be drawn upon, and she graciously "held my hand " throughout my term as I incessantly pestered her with questions.
"I first met an when she was ALA President and came to a Texas Lawyers Auxiliary meeting in 2017. Her story of coming to the United States and the path to citizenship was so moving there was not a dry eye in the room. She is the personification of all things ALA and I am thrilled that she will be recognized and honored!"
Noel Roberts
"Anne is more than deserving of this honor! Not only was she an excellent secretary in making sure that the minutes were accurate to the last detail, she was an excellent resource when any of us had questions about the right procedure to follow regarding ByLaws and Procedures! Anne always kept us on track with her delightful British accent - which thankfully she has never lost ! - in advising us of what we should do! And she is an excellent dinner companion and I am so pleased to call her my friend! One story of mine about how special Anne is - -she remembered that I had met a gentleman in Santa Barbara a number of years ago when I had taken my father to attend a Marine Pilot reunion in Santa Barbara. When the gentleman passed a few years ago it made the local paper in Santa Barbara and she remembered that I had known him and sent me the notice. That’s just one of the ways she is a special friend. And the meetings are never as much fun when she is unable to be there! "
Barbara Smallwood
"I have had the privilege of knowing Anne Santorelli since about 2009. I always enjoy seeing her and talking with her at our meetings and activities.
"She is a lovely lady - always very kind, knowledgeable, and efficient.
"Congratulations Anne, for many jobs well done!"
Jan Lamoreaux
Nancy Johnson
American Lawyers Alliance
2025 Outstanding Volunteer of the Year
Nancy Johnson is a longtime participant in Law Related activities. Her involvement as a Director for the American Lawyers Alliance in August 2024. Nancy was also involved int the Michigan Lawyers Alliance as a member from 1990's to its dissolution in Mid -20-teens. At that time Nancy was the recording Secretary for two terms through the dissolution process. In addition, Nancy has been a member of the Kalamazoo Lawyers Alliance from the mid-1990's to the present. She has been an outstanding Treasurer and still is. She also has been the Recording Secretary. She has chaired the Reception Committee which provides and coordinates the receptions for the Kalamazoo County Bar Association. This included memorial receptions, and the swearing in of new attorneys. Nancy had also been involved with the Christmas party committee for the Juvenile residence at the Juvenile Home. And finally, she has also served on the Foundation Board as an interim delegate. When we reestablished the student library at the Audrey Grey Library at the Juvenile Home, Nancy organized the books, eliminated torn or out of date books and shelved and organized the new books. Nancy works tirelessly in whatever activity she participates. She is always there and is very reliable. Plus, much, much more to come…
A Little Bit More About Nancy...
Raised on a farm starting in the mid-1950s in SW Michigan where my parents still reside. Ferris State College for business and office administration and took an interim job with an attorney in Kalamazoo that blossomed into a 25-year career including adding a Paralegal Certificate and becoming a Probate Estate Administration specialist. When my husband took a job in 1993 that required many more hours per week, I eventually quit working outside the home to focus on the home front and community activities.
Married for 37 years to Hon. J. Richardson “Rick” Johnson, now retired from 21 years as Kalamazoo County Circuit Court Judge (felonies and larger civil cases). First 24 years of his career, he was a civil trial lawyer representing insurance companies, railroads, and defending professionals in malpractice cases. Also specialized in non-profit, healthcare and environmental law. Our children include Rick’s son Joseph Richardson Johnson IV (retired career US Army, current IT with Veterans Administration) his wife and four daughters plus three grandchildren, Rick’s daughter Lisa Johnson Osiecki (communications/marketing specialist and homemaker), her husband and two sons, our son Samuel Johnson (composer, teacher and audio-engineer at samnjohnsonmusic.com).
Currently volunteering and chairing committees in my congregational church, charter member of the local Legal Support Professionals organization & Kalamazoo Lawyers Alliance. My husband and I are in a bicycle riding group, a film group and a walking group. We enjoy travel including Europe, exploring the U.S., Michigan and U.S. historical sites. Enjoy the church book group and the Aging with Attitude group. I am blessed to be able to spend time with my parents and brother, our children, grandchildren and even two great granddaughters as well as many wonderful friends and neighbors.
"Nancy is always upbeat and bring such joy! She is energetic and very good at organizing people for the job to be done “
" I am delighted to hear that Nancy Johnson has been chosen Volunteer of the Year. I have been a co-chair of the Kalamazoo County Bar Memorial Committee for several years and, in that capacity, it has been my pleasure to work with Nancy on the Memorial Events where we honor attorneys who have passed on. Not only does she do a great job in coordinating the snacks provided during the social time after the event, but she is always so pleasant to deal with. She does your organization proud."
Thomas Richardson
"I got to know Nancy while we both worked on the Michigan Lawyers Alliance Board. She was a a wonderful Recording Secretary and did that until MLA disbanded. She is delightful and hard-working.
"As you can read, she has done so much to keep Kalamazoo Lawyers Alliance relevant. Nancy nominated Alice Gordon for the 2019 ALA Volunteer of the Year Award and referred to Alice affectionately as the "energizer bunny" of the Kalamazoo Lawyers Alliance. Well, now we can affectionately refer to Nancy as the "energizer bunny" of Kalamazoo Lawyera Alliance, too. You can read all the things that she did and still does for KLA. If other local organizations had more like Nancy Johnson they would be be doing as well as KLA!
"I nominated Nancy for ALA Director and am so happy that she was chosen and that she accepted this position. We can use some more "energizer bunnies" in ALA. "
Jeanne Skilton
"Working behind the scenes for years, Nancy and her cohorts at the Kalamazoo Lawyers Alliance have put their stamp on the KCBA’s new attorney admission programs, and especially the memorial ceremonies we conduct semi-annually to honor lawyers who have passed away in the preceding months. Nancy has helped the KCBA be there for lawyers at the beginning and the end of their legal careers in our community.
""Nancy is organized and responsive, of course, but also respectful of tradition. The refreshments that she and her colleagues regularly provide at the end of each ceremony provide not simply a social focal point following the formal events, but a nod to an earlier era. Homemade punch and pastries in the courthouse anterooms may seem quaint and outdated to outside observers, but in an important way they keep us linked to a time when the courthouse was the center of a broader legal community, not simply a parade ground for plaintiffs and perpetrators and prosecutors and their stories of human suffering. Nancy’s volunteer work provides a necessary reminder about the dignity of our profession and the role it plays in resolving our disputes.
"The human touch that the Kalamazoo Lawyers Alliance brings to the KCBA does not just happen, and we clearly see Nancy’s hand at work in preserving the best traditions of our bar. I applaud her selection as Volunteer of the Year. "
Scott W. Dales
Chief Judge
U.S. Bankruptcy Court, W.D. Michigan
70th District Court Judge, The Honorable Terry L. Clark
Saginaw, Michigan
Hon. Terry L. Clark serves as a district judge in Saginaw County, Michigan. While Judge Clark is busy handling the many cases assigned to him he also finds time to serve his community in many other ways.
Judge Clark has been a member of the State Bar of Michigan Judicial Ethics Committee since 2015. As a committee member he readily takes on virtually every volunteering opportunity with the committee, serving on subcommittees, drafting ethics opinions and speaking to various groups. He has served on the criminal jury instructions committee. He has chaired the State Bar Representative Assembly.
Judge Clark is dedicated to and enthusiastic about educating young people. During his many years on the bench, he has enjoyed educating elementary, middle and high school students about the judiciary, the law and the role they play in our system of government. He has been known to interrupt his judicial duties to entertain and educate student visitors. He welcomes students touring the courthouse into his chambers where he learns their names, and calls on them to guess and answer questions he poses about how judges perform their duties, their judicial robes and more. He also loves to seat students in the jury box in his courtroom as he describes the legal process and the roles of prosecutors, his staff, the court reporter, defense attorney and even the jurors. In addition, Judge Clark has participated for many years in helping to conduct the annual Mock Trials in Saginaw County.
Judge Clark has made community service, and in particular the education of young people, one of the foundations of his life.
The Honorable Terry L. Clark, 70th District Court Judge
Saginaw, Michigan
Congratulations to Alicia Chu from Newark, Delaware, our 2024 $10,000 CARR Scholarship for Excellence in Civics and Overall Academics! Alicia graduated from Archmere Academy with a 4.55 GPA, an SAT Score of 1570, an ACT Score of 36 and will be attending Harvard University and New England Conservatory Dual Degree Program this fall. Her superior academic achievements, combined with her amazing law-related and outstanding extra-curricular activities, plus her inspirational essay complete the picture of our perfect scholarship recipient.
Congratulations to Annika Krovi from Greenville, South Carolina, our 2024 $10,000 Catherine G. Jurgemeyer Scholarship Winner! Annika graduated number one in her class from J.L. Mann High School Academy of Mathematics, Science, and Technology with a 5.607 GPA and an SAT Score of 1570 and will be attending Harvard University this fall. Her superior academic achievements, combined with her amazing law-related and outstanding extra-curricular activities, plus her inspirational essay complete the picture of our perfect Jurgemeyer scholarship recipient.
ALA National Teacher of the Year
Baldwin School
Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania
MS and PhD in American History
ALA National Teacher of the Year
Monomoy Regional HIgh School
Brewster, MA
AB Government
MA in Special Education
ALA National Teacher of the Year
Bellingham High School
Bellingham, WA
MA History
BA History
Lillian B. Jarvis Teacher of the Year
Apalachee High School
Winder, GA
BS Criminal Justice
MS Education
Past ALA President from 2020 - 2021 and 2023 Lifetime Achievement Award winner, Rita Thompson of San Antonio, Texas passed away on Sunday, February 18, 2024. She was an active and integral part of ALA, as well as the Texas Lawyers Auxiliary and the San Antonio Bar Auxiliary. Click below to read about her achievements.
Past ALA President from 2001 - 2002 and 2020 Lifetime Achievement Award winner, Pauline Krieger of Rochester, MN passed away on Friday, February 2, 2024. She was an active and intragal part of ALA. Click below to read about her achievments.
Past ALA President from 2000 - 2001, Elouise Williams of Birmingham, Alabama passed away on August 25, 2023. She was 95 years old. Many current ALA members remember her fondly. Click below to read all the loving tributes.
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer spoke remotely to ABA President Judy Perry Martinez during the General Assembly of the 2020 ABA Annual Meeting. The following is an excerpt from that conversation:
“Martinez closed her conversation with Breyer by asking the justice to share a few pieces of advice with the ABA’s youngest members as well as with its more senior attorneys.
Breyer encouraged law students to learn about the government and said he wished civics was restored as a required course. To those who are graduating, he said he couldn’t tell them how to live their lives, but he hoped a few things for them.
“I can hope you’ll find someone to love,” he said. “I can hope you’ll have a job that is rewarding, and I can hope you will participate. Participate in public life. And there are a million ways to participate.
“You can join a local library association. You can try to be a school board member. You can vote. You can learn about the issues going on. You can talk to others.”
To the senior members, Breyer said, like he tells himself, “you just keep going.”
Enjoy Our 60th Anniversary Past President's Slideshow!
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